
Ages 8 - 11

Our Phoenix Wing Chun Program is designed specifically to engage children from eight to 11 years old. These classes look towards your child’s future and prepare them for when they will be venturing out into the world by themselves.

At this age your child will start to work there way through the full Wing Chun Curriculum giving them the opportunity to embrace one of the best all round self defense skills in the world today.

The Phoenix program also introduces your child to the Fuli M.A. wellbeing for life system, giving them an understanding of basic nutrition, healthy levels of exercise and mind-fullness that will keep their body and mental wellbeing in great shape for life.

Building a solid self defense base and a good understanding of how to look after their own wellbeing at this age is priceless. This will be instructed and maintained through regular training, good diet and exercise that will build a great base for them to grow on for the rest of their lives. We not only teach your child how to deal with situations involving a physical threat, but also give them an understanding of situational awareness and conflict control so that they stand the best chance of not getting involved in the situation in the first place.

Join us by booking your free two week trial below – it's easy! All you need to do is complete the booking and then come along for the next class on the day and time you have chosen. You can wear track bottoms a t-shirt and trainers, remember to bring along a drink of water. Upon booking you will also receive an email with the full details of your class.

Book a free 2 week trial